Hi👋I’am Syafiq

Web Developer in focus

Let’s collaborate on your next project

Img Kucheeng


I am a graduate of Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University in Malang, holding a Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering with a GPA of 3.57/4.00 from August 2018 to December 2023. During my academic journey, I actively participated in Weboender organization in Malang, gaining in-depth knowledge of website development, database relations, and the use of design tools such as Figma. As an intern at the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Malang from Feb to May 2021, I successfully developed the backend for the System of Islamic Assembly Information (SIJIMAT) in less than 3 months. Currently, my focus is on developing a web application for Guidance and Counseling in Tsanawiyah Islamic Schools in 2024.


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Social Media

Built With ❤️ in 2024

Inspired By @Miraya


Tambakberas - Jombang

Jawa Timur - Indonesia

My Telegram

[email protected]